{wholistic} living
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1 x 1 offerings.


75 - 90 min. reciprocity $333

each private healing session is a customized alchemical journey that activates and expands your ability to connect with soul’s wisdom, mind’s clarity and body’s self-healing capacity. I integrate vibrational healing, aura, akashic records and east asian medicine modalities based on your individual healing needs.


elemental soul session

45 min. reciprocity $111 | venmo @angela-kuehl to book appointment

stars in bones. earth in breath. rivers of qi merging with sea.

the Elements live inside.

in 2019 grandmother adwahsahdhi helped me re-member medicine of the Elements coming and going in everyday living and their transformative powers that heal, and evolve, soul.

this reading opens you up to the Mystery, and Order, of the Elements inside and around you for the purpose of co-creating with these forces to re-member that

your choice - not your circumstance - is power.

we meet one on one over Zoom OR I will send you a recording by request only. you learn to:

  • co-create with Elemental Forces that are most present in your energy field right now

  • access soul wisdom to inform and empower your life choices

  • stay centered and authentic no matter which way things turns while navigating endings, beginnings and sacred in-between phases of your life

  • recharge your energy field



by application only. reciprocity $1332 one-time payment OR $555 x3 over three months.

this is a three-month 1 x 1 mentorship + private transformational healing container where we deep dive into soul’s purpose and constitution, influences and opportunities for your physiological, spiritual and material wellbeing in this lifetime.

email angela@essencewellnessdesign.com to learn more.