{wholistic} living

join the reset.



the reset | seven weeks of illumination fueling your purpose, passion + vitality.

07-31-2020 to 09-18-2020.

be the vibration. discover yourself. join waitlist now:


If you feel a YES in your body to one of these, this is your reset:

I am willing to reach for what I truly want in this life right now.

I am willing to receive guidance that supports my inner calling, wisdom and wellbeing right now.

I am willing to sharpen and honor my intuition right now.

I am willing to pick up the momentum of living my purpose right now.

I am willing to building new neuropathways for more calm and compassion in my life right now.

I feel genuinely called to lift and shift the vibration of our planet right now.

here is how:


  • Every Friday, beginning on 7/31/2020, you receive an email from me with three synergistic tools that help you upskill and deepen self-discovery.

  • This means each week you shift your vibration with one building block, recipe and assignment to complete on your own prior to the following Friday. This allows you to move at your own pace while keeping momentum digestible and impactful.

  • This structure creates a framework for you to custom your self-discovery experience that guides how you design and experience each week.

  • At the end of our seven weeks together, you have reset your mind, body, heart and pantry in aligned + awakened ways that are as individual as you.


  • You enjoy all Essence Wellness Design products and services at 15% off during these seven weeks, including one Elemental Medicine session where we dive deep into living your soul’s purpose in clarity, compassion and commitment each day.

  • Elemental Medicine is never discounted outside this program. This is the only time.

  • Exception: Vibration WellCare {VWC} is the only exception as this experience is for clients who have completed Elemental Medicine in the last six months only. If you are a current client who have complete Elemental Medicine in the last six months, you are eligible for applying this offer to one VWC session with me during this reset as I am familiar with your energetic composition.

    women empowering women.

  • Lift + shift another woman: when you invite another woman to join this program and you both join, 20% of both proceeds go to The Loveland Foundation and Black Mamas Matter Alliance. You choose which organization you wish to support.

  • You may also choose to be each other’s Aligned + Awakened accountability partners in these seven weeks!!! When we activate together we amplify together.

    terms + conditions.

  • You must be at least 24 years old and older to join this program.

  • Enrollment is not refundable nor exchangeable. Upon enrolling you agree to complete this reset in full, including implementing the building block, recipe and assignment you receive each week.

  • You must be submit payment in full by 12 PM EST on Wednesday 07/29/2020 to reserve yours spot or this will be given to the next person on the waitlist.

    the reset | seven weeks | $125

aligned + awakened.

question? email angela@essencewellnessdesign.com

be the vibration. join waitlist now:
